February 24 will mark the first anniversary of Russia coming to the aid of the people in the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, defending those in the Eastern Ukraine region that had seceded in 2014 due to the Kiev regime’s Neo-Nazi ties. German fascism was the spearhead used by imperialism to try and destroy the workers state Soviet Union in World War 2. Fascist forces have once again been utilised by imperialism within Ukraine, this time to target the people of the Donbass and capitalist Russia. Now that the US/EU/NATO bloc have dropped their policy of limited intervention for open esculation, the world is once again on the brink of a destructive war between nuclear armed powers.
For 30 years, NATO has lied to the Russian people and closed the distance between NATO aligned countries and the Russian border. Russophobia has been a convenient cover for imperialism as it dismisses any concerns about NATO’s ambition to place weapons on the border between Russia and Ukraine as Russian aggression. We now know that every step of so-called diplomacy of the Minsk Agreeement were nothing more than broken promises and opportunities to further prepare for imperialist war. Angela Merkel and former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko have both admitted the Minsk agreeement was aimed to stall Russia so NATO could supply Ukraine with weaponry.
The fascist militias and battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces terrorized the citizens of Donbass between 2014 and 2022, killing thousands of civilians and ultimately leaving Russia no choice but to launch an offensive in the region to protect the Russian speaking population. Russians have never forgotten how many of their ancestors, who fought as citizens of the Soviet Union, died to defeat Nazi Germany during WWII. Given this history it was intolerable for many Russians to see the resurgence of the likes of Stepan Bandera gaining a foothold to threaten Russia at the behest of imperialism.
Ukraine has been propped up by imperialist forces from the beginning of the conflict and Zelenskyy is increasingly calling for more aid from the West, first long range missiles, then tanks and now in fighter jets, There appears to be no “red line” the West imperialists will not cross as they escalate the conflict. In addition to the billions in weapons, the imperialists have stooped to terrorism over the past year, blowing up the Nordstream pipeline and launching terrorist attacks within Russian territory.
The US/EU/NATO alliance is prepared to destroy the working class of their own countries to undermine Russia, destabilise the region and make way for territorial conquest. Many citizens are feeling the real consequences of rampant militarism in the US, UK, France, and across all of Europe in the form of austerity and inflation. As many liberal forces bay for war, it is the working class that pays the price. US president Joe Biden has overseen upwards of $100 billion dollars in equipment sent to Ukraine, at a time when Americans are facing layoffs, pay cuts, and growing unrest.
A victory for the US/EU/NATO bloc in the current war would spell devastation for the world anti-imperialist struggle. It would likely lead to break up of Russia and the opening up of its resources for full exploitation by Western Imperialism. The removal of Russia as a military obstacle would accelerate the war drive of US against the Peoples Republic of China to complete its aim to dominate the Eurasian landmass. The proxy war against Russia is inseparable from the war drive against China.
The failure of so many Marxist groups across all traditions to oppose the imperialist war against Russia has been an historic failure. However out of this failure comes the opportunity for genuinely anti-imperialist forces to join together overcoming traditional sectarian divides. In this way building the struggle against the war against Russia is a stepping stone to rebuilding and uniting the international Communist movement and towards the ultimate victory of socialism! Defeat for the Nato-led imperialist alliance! Victory to the resistance! No cooperation with imperialist war!
Endorsers (organisations):
Anti-War West Sydney (Australia)
Bolshevik Group (South Korea)
Classconscious.org (US and Australia)
Communist Revolutionary Action (Greece)
Liaison Committee for the Fourth International, and its sections:
- Consistent Democrats (Great Britain)
- Liga Comunista (Brazil)
- Socialist Workers League (United States)
- Tendance Militante Bolchevique (Argentina)
Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha, from: Socialist Republican Movement [Bangladesh]
National Democratic People’s Front (NDPF) (India)
Partido Comunista do Povo Brasileiro, PCPB – Brasil; (Communist Party of the Brazilian People – PCPB -Brazil)
Partido Obrero Socialista/Socialist Workers Party (Costa Rica)
posadiststoday.com (Great Britain)
Red Line (Greece)
Socialist Unity Party (United States)
Socialist Fight (Great Britain)
US Friends of the Soviet People (United States)
Workers Socialist Party (India)
Zannekinbond (Belgium)
Mark Andresen (Great Britain)
Fábio Sobral (Brazil)
Fernando Gaebler / Organización Internacional Comunista (Brazil)
Gaukhar Datkhabayeva(Kazakhstan)
Askar Aisin (Kazakhstan)
Samuel Welborn, Chair of the John Reed Cell of the Party of Communists USA
Tim Lauby (USA)
Sayialel Salaon (Kenya)
Rainer Shea (USA)
Paul Collins (Great Britain)
Brecht Jonkers (Belgium)
if anyone else would like to endorse the statement, please email no*******************@pr****.me