by Kalliste
The biggest problem of a dumbed-down populace is their willingness to “memory-hole” the past in order to keep up with the twisted narratives our ruling class keep peddling.
The US government is run by a unaparty, so is the UK, most of Europe, but especially the EU, and the proxies and colonies of the European and American Empires. We have the illusion of democracy but in reality we have none, and no freedom, only censorship.
And why has that become ever more strident over the past 75 years? Because Russia and China are recovering from the blows the Axis powers, with the financial help of the Square Mile and Wall Street dealt them, and threaten the hegemon of the ruling class.
Why has October 7th 2023 been so pivotal in that? Because it presents us with a paradox. We blithely swallow the crap we are fed, Russia’s a dictatorship, China’s a dictatorship, in fact everyone the Empire hates is an evil dictator…. and we have to support terrorists to dislodge them because “desperate times require desperate measures”. In reality Gaza shows us that the reality of imperialism is genocide. It has been for centuries, whether it’s fast, with bombs, snipers, cutting off food, water, medical aid and energy, or slow with toxic loans, corporate looting, debt-slavery and austerity measures leading to long-term starvation, systematic impoverishment and early mortality.
And it’s all one big globalist strategy by the globalists, albeity the neo-cons and neo-libs squabble over the best strategy to win the grand chess game.
If we want to be truly free of this diabolical plan, we have to stop believing the lies, the big lies, the little lies, the “white lies” and above all the economic lies.
We are not poor because we don’t work hard enough, but because we cannot feed the greed of the ruling class. We are not unhealthy because we make “bad life choices” but because we work too long and hard for too little pay and public services. We are not stupid, ignorant or dumb because we cannot be bothered to learn but because we are force-fed propaganda, hate and lies through our media, our entertainment and our information sources, and increasingly we are censored, monitored and excluded from any independent voices and sources even when we search them out.
WW3 will destroy 90% of the population of the world, but the 1% don’t care, they have convinced themselves they will be masters of the universe. What they cannot bear is that we should choose governments without a ruling class, turn our backs on imperialism, on colonialism, on supremacists and apartheid, on ethno-fascism and privilege. And that’s what we need to focus on. We need to focus on being the grit in the cog-wheels of the machine they are building, the log-jam in their stream of misinformation, and the boy shouting loud and long that “the Emperor has no clothes”.
More importantly, that the “for profit not purpose military industrial complex is churning out weapons of mass destruction for aggression on civilians not defence. That their armies are only good for killing civilians on behalf of corporate interests, and that the legal system protects property not the people. We live in a fascist state, not a democracy, where life under military dictatorship is often only a matter of presidential decree, not existential threat of invasion.