The following letter was a creditable and supportable initiative of Class Conscious, a leftist trend based in Australia, which we are pleased to endorse and publicise.

To Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO President
We defend the right of the Vermont AFL-CIO to have passed a motion authorising a General Strike if the 2020 election results had been overturned in a coup. This motion voted on by the rank-and-file delegates at the Vermont AFL-CIO 2020 Convention was in the proud tradition of labor fighting together against the threat of fascism and dictatorship. We defend the right of workers and the organised labor movement to strike together to defend their democratic rights.
We therefore stand in solidarity with the Vermont AFL-CIO and demand that you immediately drop the vindictive and retaliatory “misconduct” investigation into the Vermont AFL-CIO
Jews Against Fascism (Australia)
Liaison Committee for the Fourth International and its national groups: Consistent Democrats (Great Britain) Frente Comunista dos Trabalhdores (Brazil) Tendencia Militant Bolchevique (Argentine) Socialist Workers League (United States)
Socialist Fight (UK)
Trotskyist Platform (Australia)
United Front Committee for a Labor Party (US)
Workers Power (USA)
Charles Dineen, AFSCME (retired). (Direct action gets the goods!)
Jonathan Cooper
Lori Drohan
Steve Early, NewsGuild/CWA member and former International Representative, Communications Workers of America.
Cassandra Edson
Michael Eisenscher, Alameda Labor Council Climate and Environmental Justice Caucus
Mike Gimbel, Retired Executive Board Member, Local 375, AFSCME
Andres Gonzales, (formerly) United Steel Workers of America
Daniel Guza, Admin FB group Labor and Politics
Davey Heller, and Australian Services Union member
Heather Harman, IWW, & Socialist Party USA
Mahanama Heller
Owen Hseish
Leslie Hight, VSEA rank and file
Klaus Helms, Member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Germany (Hoch die internationale Solidarität!)
James Marc Leas
Traven Leyshon, President of Green Mountain Labor Council
Dave Levi, Jews Against Fascism (Australia)
Brandon Marsden, Member of Reform and Revolution Caucus of the DSA
Gareth Martin
Bob Montgomery, AFSCME DC 93 (retired)
George Montgomery IBEW 2222 (As a proud lifelong (35 years now retired) member of an AFL-CIO union, I urget you to drop the misconduct investigation.
Barbara McGrew
Mary Morton
John O’Conner, AFM Local 442 and 1000
Robert Oeser
Jamie Partridge, NALC 82
Charles Rachlis, Communist Workers Group
Gabriel Rivera
Carla Ringler
Arlene Treacy (Hands off Vermont AFL-CIO!)
Marcus Vickers, Workers Power USA
Brian Walsh
Daniel Waterman