An important legal victory for all workers was achieved on 26 October when Stan Keable, the Secretary of Labour Party Marxists, a supporter of the Weekly Worker and an ‘auto-excluded’ Labour Party member, won his appeal, and reinstatement, after he was sacked from his job as a housing officer with Hammersmith and Fulham Council in March 2018. The Employment Appeals Tribunal upheld an earlier January 2020 judgement from the Employment Tribunal that Stan was unfairly dismissed, and an order for his reinstatement. Stan has been awarded £70,000 as compensation, which is well deserved, and unless Hammersmith and Fulham Council are prepared to reinstate him, they will have to pay substantial extra damages on top of that.
Stan was victimized when what was in fact a private political discussion at a demonstration was secretly filmed and broadcast on Twitter by a Zionist. Stan made some remarks about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis that are historically true and should be unexceptionable. But this produced an outcry from Zionists, and when it was discovered where he worked, this was taken on by the pro-Zionist Blairite leader of Hammersmith Council, Stephen Cowan, and a local Tory Zionist MP, Greg Hands. Between them they orchestrated, and Cowan gave orders for Stan’s sacking.
This took place on a counterdemonstration called by Jewish Voice for Labour against the Zionist ‘Enough is Enough’ demonstration that sought to smear Jeremy Corbyn and his many supporters in the Labour Party as ‘anti-Semites’ and even supposed “Jew-Haters”. The Zionist demonstration was in fact a far-right, racist demo against anti-racist supporters of Palestinian rights. This is shown by the numerous vile Zionist Arab-haters and other racists and bigots present. Including many Blairites who were and are gung-ho for the racist 2003 invasion of Iraq, where Bush and Blair killed over a million Arabs in part as ‘revenge’ for 9-11 even though Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, but also by the attendance of Norman Tebbit, the author of the ‘cricket test’ scapegoating of black and South-Asian British people as not really British, and the Unionist bigot David Trimble, who thinks Catholics in ‘Ulster’ need to be kept ‘in their place’ just as Israel keeps Palestinians ‘in their place’.
We full heartedly congratulate Stan on this victory, and note that Tony Greenstein, then a Unison member, was hounded out of Unison by traitorous Blariite officials who supported Stan’s sacking and refused to provide him with representation in one of the clearest cut cases of victimization for the expression of personal views in recent memory. For representing Stan, Tony was himself victimized by these class traitors. All those involved in this blatant attack on Stan’s democratic rights as an opponent of racism should be held accountable and punished by the labour movement.
Protest, struggle and movement for rights is always useful. We The Socialist Workers party of of Bangladesh- SWPB full heartedly congratulate Stan on this victory…Go Ahead! Long Live Revolution!!